
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Speaking of campaign themes for National 

My Right missed a big one out from the post below. The Ever Lasting Man (an interesting pseudonym - but every man has a dream - why not go for immortality??) quite correctly points out:
"The trick now is for National and whoever else ties to their boat to get their act together (no pun intended nor Freudian slip) and show the country they are a real alternative. All they have to do is be honest. Labour has always been all about dishonesty this time; they tell porkies yet make the media think its fact or true."
I can't recall a more focus group driven administration in New Zealand history that will commit to something and bail out the minute is proved unpopular. In the absence of critical mainstream media - they can get away with it. The political term is 'spin', or treating the public like muppets.

My Right has often said that Labour 'do politics' better than anyone else, the average New Zealander does not hold politics and politicians in very high regard. Put that together and National simply need to show that this Labour Government are obsessed with staying in power at best, sardonic at worst.

By the way - I don't think nicely worded press releases claiming 'Government Spin' followed by a bunch of statistics is the way to go on this one. Someone get out there and say, "Cullen and Labour are liars - they swore only 5% New Zealanders would be in the top tax bracket - the figure is now 12% - that is lying".

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