
Friday, September 10, 2004

Work with me on this one 

Take a few pieces of A4 paper and put some words on them. Hell, lets even put a picture or two on them. Let's go nuts - make them glossy. Fold them up - put them in envelopes and send them to every single address in New Zealand.

At $1.00 for the printing and paper, 40 cents postage for around 1.5 million of these, My Right gets a total cost of around $2,100,000 (the bureaucratic bunkum intellectual property is paid for already).

Sound simple? So it should. But if you're Labour, you call in the ad agencies to maximise political capital from this venture and throw a tax payer donated zero on the end of that figure - to get a lazy $21,000,000. Don't you love giving them a nice surplus to play with?

From today's Dom: Advertising its extravagance.

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