
Friday, September 24, 2004

Question to all lefty types... 

Stuff reports that Cullen is fleecing us and is as happy as a lethargic burgler who has just found the back door ajar, or in the papers words;
Higher than expected tax revenue and profits have helped the Government post a massive $7.4 billion operating surplus which, at 5.3 per cent of gross domestic product, is a record.
Dr Don has issued the obligatory press release stating that the economy is booming and most of us are not actually better off as a result;
"For the first three years of this Government real wage rates actually declined, and only recently has there been a small rise. A less than 4% rise in real wages over almost five years is not much reward for working people.

"With no change in tax brackets, take-home pay has grown at an even slower rate," says Dr Brash.
My Right is realistic, and knows that the lefts fundamental abhorrence of dropping tax rates and letting people decide what is important to them for themselves will rule out a tax relief until after a change of Government.

So my question is this, can you at least look at raising the threshold for the top tax bracket to $80,000??

Is that remotely possible? Do you remember promising that only five percent of earners would be in the top bracket? Have you heard of inflation and real spending power? Can we at least talk about it?

Come on lefties, let sit down and have a chat...

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