
Saturday, March 27, 2004

A patsy interview if ever there was one 

Ruth Dyson, name calling self righteous 'tart', or hard working and just misunderstood? (it's the former by the way). But not if you ask some other bint called Keri, apparently "She is working on changes to ACC which will list among her top five achievements as a minister. She is hoping that one day, two patients in a spinal unit – one who fell from a tree and one with multiple sclerosis – will receive the same access to rehabilitation services".

A link to the full interview with Keri Welham is here - I wouldn't recommend it.

How a Minister quite rightly on the skids for being an insolent mole when someone quite rightly (and using the forum designed for that exact purpose) questioned the actions of her department can get this sort of 'service' from a major newspaper is beyond me. About 6 lines relating to her gross stupidity from a circa 300 line article that read more like a farewell speech is pathetic.

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