
Thursday, March 18, 2004

A Nat that may realise that politics isn't really that hard 

My Right has always acknowledged that Labour has, until very recently, generally been better than National at 'politics'. Whether it be remembering when not to be honest, carefully making up the right statistic and constantly running focus groups to identify the lowest common denominator, they have generally done it better.

So I find this line from John Armstrong's editorial particularly interesting, "Yesterday's speech is recognition National knows it is similarly vulnerable on tax." It was a simple line at the fag end of his piece, but I think he is right. National have finally realised that the average attention span of the 'middle NZ'er' does not allow you to offer (sell) considered policy that ultimately, but not obviously, makes sense.

The gamble is, will Jo Public realise what Don is hoping they will, that;

a) Labour will cut those taxes anyway
b) Reducing the company tax rate effects all individuals in some way and is a good thing
c) For the same (or similar) tax policy, you can flick the ERA Amendments, deal to the RMA, address welfare dependence.......
d) you get the idea

The risk? His support in middle and 'middle upper' NZ being weaker than he thought and secured only with a bit of extra cash for them as well, up front.

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