
Saturday, February 14, 2004

I told you I was looking forward to this year, but ye gods, I didn't expect this... 

Recently the great Helen said that she was 'not concerned' if National could only draw level in a poll given their recent media exposure. Well, a couple of weeks on it is fair to say that everyone has had some press, and the most recent Colmar Brunton poll has National ahead.

For once I am looking forward to hearing what Helen has to say. Keep your ear open for something along the lines of, "Well, National have had a lot of attention lately due to an exaggerated and divisive speech, but I am confident that once everyone realises that there is absolutely no basis to Don Brash's claims, that normality will resume".

Me thinks you may under estimate and dismiss Joseph Public to your peril on this one Hel's, but keep going by all means.

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