
Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The UN - worse than toothless, they can't even speak 

Anyone who screams 'unilateralism' and accuses George W as being a modern day Caesar (good article in The Independent by Chris Trotter pp 15 - not available online) - should look at this article about the goings on in Zimbabwe and ask themselves whether or not there is a viable alternative to seeing wrong and getting on in there and getting your hands dirty. If there is an alternative, I don't think it's the UN - and please don't email me about the motivational effects of crude oil, this is about the effectiveness of the UN - not the justification of the war in Iraq.

Either we give a toss about what happens in the world collectively, or we don't. If the UN can stand by and simply 'tut tut' while this is going on makes me really wonder how effective they can be. This is shocking, Mugabe is in the same league as Saddam - for gods sake, lets be rid of him.

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