
Tuesday, January 20, 2004

This one has legs, sadly 

It's bound to be the defining issue of 2004 and no doubt there will be numerous posts about it here and elsewhere. My overriding feeling relating to the foreshore and sea bed debate is already one of sadness, regardless of the outcome.

No one is coming out of this one feeling good. If Maori establish full legal title (ownership), a few Maori in a position to reap the benefits will make plenty of cash. The vast majority of Maori may get a discount for their dip at the beach at best.

All Maori will cop a largely silent resentment from other New Zealander's who had nowt to do with the Treaty themselves - but are starting to get the impression that they are in some way personally responsible for past wrongs and should feel like begrudgingly welcomed guests in their country of birth.

If Maori do not establish full title, a large number of Maori will continue to feel robbed. The familiar names will continue to scream injustice and the ongoing bitterness will continue for some time.

Any way, plenty more to come on this one, I just hope the media take a responsible approach to a hellishly sensitive topic. Any sensationalism by politicians or media will be loudly scorned here.

It kicked of for 2004 with the Waitangi Tribunal foreshore hearing at the cake tin today.

Foreshore debate 2004, round one of many

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